Purple Day®
Bowling Parties
Cleveland East - Postponed Date TBD
Warren/Youngstown - March 23 2025
Akron - Postponed - Date TBD

Meet other people and their families who live with epilepsy and seizures.
Make new friends and have a great time!
Support epilepsy awareness and learn more about programs from Empowering Epilepsy
Thank You for Supporting the 2024 Purple Day® Bowling Parties.
My family really enjoyed the Purple Day® Bowling Party yesterday! My daughter now knows others her age, by name, that have similar struggles with epilepsy. It warmed my heart to see her sit and talk with the other teens yesterday, to feel heard and understood. The bowling alley and food gave siblings and friends things to do while she had time to talk. They also learned a few things as well! Brochures provided will be used to help me educate her school staff when I meet with them regarding her seizures. I too enjoyed talking with other people and parents of children with epilepsy. The cups, kisses & pens were a nice perk! Thank you for all your hard work!
An Appreciative Mother

Purple Day®, celebrated on March 26th annually, is an international grassroots effort to increase epilepsy awareness world wide. People are invited to wear purple and host events in support of epilepsy awareness.
Empowering Epilepsy holds 4 Purple Day Bowling Parties annually to bring people who understand epilepsy or support epilepsy awareness together, allow them to meet others, and create positive, lasting memories.
For more information, contact Leigh Goldie at 216-342-4167 or Leigh@empoweringepilepsy.org.
The Charles L. Shor Foundation
Tana Alexander
in loving memory of Robert Shanklin
JoAnne Dawson
in loving memory of Robert Shanklin
Hailey Thorn
Heather Wagley
Thank You to Our Sponsors!