Presented by Empowering Epilepsy
April 5, 2025
JCC Stonehill Auditorium
Beachwood, Ohio
Meet The 2024 Performers
This event is all about showcasing the talents of those with epilepsy! If you or someone you know with epilepsy would like to sing, dance, perform spoken word, do stand-up comedy, act, recite poetry, etc.
Submit a 3-minute video example of your performance by February 28, 2025, at 11:59 PM.
It is so simple!! Just record yourself capturing your talent - singing, dancing, spoken word, comedy, playing an instrument, etc.. It has to be something that can be performed in front of a live audience.
Finalists from the First Round will perform in front of live judges in late February.
The final audition will determine who will compete at the April 5, 2025 gala.
Submission Rules:
Your performance is required to be appropriate for all ages to view, must be able to be performed in front of an audience and judges
All performances must be in person at the event.
To register fill out the form below.
*Participants must agree to provide or obtain their own transportation to the event. Performer is responsible for all costs associated with their own travel and performance.