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Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy (SUDEP)

Doctor Checking a Form


What is SUDEP?

SUDEP, or Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy refers to when an otherwise healthy person with epilepsy dies, and there is no connection to any other cause of death, such as an accident, illness, injury, or drowning.


​SUDEP mostly occurs at night when people are sleeping, so there are few descriptions of what happened leading up to the person’s death. The person is often found lying face down in their bed, and the cause of death cannot be determined when an autopsy is performed. Often coroners list the cause of death as unknown, or a possible heart condition.


According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 1 out of 1,000 people die each year from SUDEP. That's about 3,000 people per year. SUDEP is the leading cause of death in people with uncontrolled Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizures. Learning more about SUDEP and strategies you can take to help prevent it is the best way to prevent SUDEP from taking place. 


If you or someone you know experiences epilepsy, you need to be proactively focused on ways to prevent seizures. The fewer seizures you have, the lower the risk of SUDEP.

What are the risk factors for Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy?

SUDEP is now the leading cause of death in epilepsy.


The risk factors for SUDEP include:


  • Active generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) whose seizures are not controlled by medication.

  • Nocturnal seizures

  • Dravet’s Syndrome – this is the leading cause of death for those diagnosed with Dravet’s.

  • Early onset epilepsy – those whose seizures began at an early age.

  • Missing medication doses or choosing to stop taking medications when seizures are still uncontrolled.

  • Drinking Alcohol

  • Living alone


SUDEP is the leading cause of death in young adults with uncontrolled seizures. 

Stephen Hantus speaking at SUDEP Action Day Talk.HEIC

Factors That Contribute to SUDEP Risk

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SUDEP Action Day Talk 2025
Thursday, October 16, 2025

Attend in-person or virtually

SUDEP is the 2nd highest neurological cause of death after stroke.

Did You Know?

At least 3,000 people per year die from SUDEP in the US and Canada

Providing SUDEP Education helps people find ways to take their medication on time and as prescribed, and encourages them to avoid things and places that may trigger their seizures.

Did You Know?

100% of patients believe they should be informed about SUDEP.

What steps can I take to reduce the risk of SUDEP?

Seizure Freedom Can Reduce the Risk of SUDEP


  • Make sure you take your prescribed medications regularly. Don’t skip doses — if you accidentally miss a dose, take it as soon as you realize you have missed it.

  • If your medication is causing side effects, discuss those side effects with your doctor, and explore whether there are alternatives to the medication(s) causing you side effects.

  • Drink alcohol only in modest amounts; it’s safest not to drink any at all.

  • Exercise regularly – a simple 30 minute walk improves your mood and allows you to sleep better. It may also help lessen your seizures.

  • Make sure you get a good night’s sleep. Sleep is essential to helping stop seizures. Many seizures happen when you are very tired.


Knowing more about SUDEP will allow all of us to become proactive in preventing it.


  • Your life is important to us. Follow your Dr.’s advice on medication, sleep and more.

  • If you haven’t already talked to your neurologist or epileptologist about SUDEP, make sure to ask them about your risk of SUDEP.

  • Being aware of SUDEP is the first step to taking good care of your life with epilepsy.


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Here are some ways you can donate:

In Person

Empowering Epilepsy Headquarters

23500 Mercantile Road, Suite D
Beachwood, OH 44122


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 216-342-4167

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